Creating Beautiful Color Everyday

How Close to Your Wedding to Get Your Hair Done

Your wedding is drawing near. You have chosen your venue, your dress, your wedding party and you know exactly who to invite. So what about your hair? Should you wear your hair up or down? Will your hair complement your dress? Would it be better to add highlights to frame your face or leave your hair completely natural? 

First things first…relax. Next, let’s talk about the big picture and rein things in. By that, I mean you need to determine what will work best for you. One important rule of thumb is to avoid doing anything rash. You want to be able to look back years from now, still knowing that the style you chose was the right one. So stay true to yourself. If you have always worn your hair long and unencumbered, that is most likely the direction you should lean. 

You should also consider your wedding theme. If your special day is a formal evening affair, a formal updo may be in order. If you are getting married barefoot on the beach, cascading waves would certainly do. 

Finally, keep what you are wearing top of mind. If the dress you chose is ornate, your hairstyle should not compete with it. Plus, you need to ask yourself if you want to wear a veil or any other hair accessories, such as flowers, jewels in your hair or a tiara, etc. Then think about how the hairstyle you chose will complement it.

It is never too early to gather intel, so go ahead and collect photos of all the hairstyles you love.  Start when you are eight or eight months before your wedding. Either works!  

Now you need a trial run, so that you can be sure you love the style, to see how it holds up all day and to determine how much time you will need for your hair prep on your wedding day. Popular hair stylists book quickly, so schedule your hair consultation about three months prior to your wedding. Bring your photos and hair accessories. If you are happy with the result, for safety sake, book your wedding day for you and your wedding party the same day. 

You should plan a trim four weeks prior, hair color or touch-up two weeks prior and confirm your hair, manicure and make-up appointments at least a week in advance.