Creating Beautiful Color Everyday

Color Not Just for Hair

Any beauty regimen should extend to the eyebrows. Many beauty experts swear by the fact that your eyebrows are the single most important factor for shaping your face and showcasing your best facial
features. That doesn’t mean just waxing or plucking for perfectly shaped eyebrows. It means coloring your eyebrows too!
Come on, let’s not be discriminatory here. It’s the dawn of a new day and color isn’t just for hair anymore. It’s for eyebrows too! Dying your eyebrows will make your eyes look brighter and bolder, bringing out their true beauty. Darker eyebrows will look richer and fuller. Additionally, dying your eyebrows the same color as your hair can provide a more natural look.
However, keep in mind that application of hair dye to eyebrows can be a tricky process because (come on now) it’s near your eyes. Plus, you don’t want hard to remove hair dye staining the skin around your
eyebrows or on your eyelid. Nope, eyebrow dying is certainly something you should leave to the
experts…beauty experts you trust like the professionals at New Smyrna Beach Hair Salon.
New Smyrna Beach Hair Salon raises eyebrows…to a new level. Give us a call to schedule your hair and
eyebrow coloring appointment today. Don’t forget that New Smyrna Beach Hair Salon is located in the
heart of quaint, historical New Smyrna Beach. So do it all in a charming, soothing atmosphere as well!